Thank you for booking 4 sessions with me 🫶

Your first session has already been scheduled upon booking, but please use the link below to book in your next 3 sessions.

If you don’t want to book in advance, just keep this page/the link handy so you can book in when you’re ready!

If you have a specific time slot you really want, I’d recommend booking in advance to ensure you secure it — you can always reschedule via Calendly (with 48 hours notice).

If you are a new client, please complete these next steps before our first session:

📋Sign our therapeutic agreement

📝Complete the onboarding form

If we haven’t already, add me on Whatsapp and we can use this to keep in touch in-between sessions!

(if you’re viewing this on your phone, screenshot the QR code and you should be able to click it once it’s in your camera roll)

If you would prefer email, please use

Add me on Whatsapp!

Whether you are a new client or returning client, if you need anything please do not hesitate to email me or send a Whatsapp. I am incredibly grateful to be part of your journey 🫶